Chad Parenteau's Lost Causes, 5-21-23
I'm Fifty! Is that a light a the end of the tunnel? No, just the North Station walkway...
I’ll tell you the Chad News First
This past week was given over to preparing for my girlfriend’s birthday (with me thrown in as a cameo). A lot happened before that, but the closer to the weekend, the more I just had to throw my hands up and say, Screw it, I’ll get to it all later!
This is later o’clock.
I’ll get to thanking everyone in regards to wishing me and my girlfriend well during our birthday time (we’re only days apart). Between all the comments from my posts and being up and on my feet for over fifteen hours on Saturday, I’m going to forget when my birthday actually is.
Stone Soup Poetry
Stone Soup was cancelled last week. Now you know why. I apologize for organizing and hosting the worst anniversary month ever during my tenure. I will try to end on a high note.
One of my friends said I should do a Stone Soup Croutons poem based on the party. We’ll see what happens.
Announcements will come when they come.
Oddball Magazine
Click here for poetry by Lily Tierney, Christopher P.P. White and Lori D'Angelo. Also a poem by Robert Donohue to coincide with the death of Jerry Springer.
Special thanks to poet columnists Jason Wright (Jagged Thoughts), James Van Looy (It’s All One Thing), Janet Cormier (Bamboozled No More!) and Bruce Wise (Wise Words) for holding the fort down when I could do very little towards the end of the week. Kudos also to cartoonists Anne Skove (“She Who Laughs Lasts”) and Geoffrey Fallon (“The Secrets of Skinny People”). Final nod goes to Laura Jean Carney for her latest Oddball Stories contribution.
If you have time, check out the latest podcast with Jason Wright as he interviews David Reville.
One with the Fleabitten Again
My poem "Yoga" appears today in Five Fleas (Itchy Poetry). Thanks to Roberta Beach Jacobson for once again including me among other fellow aficionados of short form poetry.
I'm a Returning Contributor Now!
Care for something different? My poem "Achespeare" appears in dadakuku today. I appreciate Editor and Publisher pedro c.k. welcoming me back.
One Last Bite
"Gen X Birthday Haiku" has a spot on today's edition of Five Fleas (Itchy Poetry). Thanks again again, Roberta Beach Jacobson!
Another Monster is Up
Thanks so much to Eric N. Peterson for the wonderful artwork that's included in my poem at The Ugly Monster today. "Adorable Adrian Adonis Shoots His Own Ballad" acts as a companion piece to the recent essay I wrote about the WWE and their history of homophobia. Check both out now.
Check out my website and get a lot of the news before it winds up in this email.
Check my blog out for exclusive content and poetry news not related to Stone Soup.
Check out my Medium. I’m going to be busy this week.
I’ve gotten more follows and likes on TikTok. I should put up a video soon.
I’ll be working on more work with Patreon before the month’s end.
Thanks for reading down this far.