Chad Parenteau's Lost Causes, 4-24-24
Luck's like a bus, nothing for hours, then there's six at once, you exes are ddriving, and they're all Trying to run You down
I’ll tell you the Chad News First
My girlfriend took the above picture while we were waiting for the shuttlebus to take us to the Encore hotel and casino in Everett, Massachusetts. Looks like I’m trying to recreate R. Crumb’s “Keep on Truckin’” comics.
We didn’t stay overnight at the Encore. Too expensive. On our first ever day there, we won enough to split a fondue bowl and give the server a generous tip (something I suspect he doesn’t see a lot of working in that hotel).
The reason why I’m behind on so many things is only partially explained with my next bit of news below. Lots of catching up is coming.
Looks like the new issue of Stone’s Throw is coming out just in time for May.
I also hope to catch up with the National Poetry Writing Month challenge later today. Click here for my progress.
Now we interupt the newsletter for the following announcement.
Save Geoffrey
Oddball Magazine's Geoffrey Fallon needs help. I've organized this Gofundme page with the hopes that the arts community can help him get back on his feet. Click here for the Gofundme and please consider donating.
Stone Soup Poetry
Sue Savoy had an excellent feature. Sadly, with everything happening last weekend, the Stone Soup Crouton was not written. Hopefuly this Friday, along with another one. Tonight, we finish off our National Poetry Month celebration with Anne Elezabeth Pluto. Hope to announce Stone Soup’s first feature for May—our fifty-third anniversary month—very soon.
Oddball Magazine
Click here to read poetry by Ken Kakareka, Arlene Geller and Jacob J. Graham. I donated photography this week, but more importantly so did Tybee Maitri and Claudio Parentela. And we started Monday off with poetry and artowrk by Edward Michael Supranowicz as part of our National Poetry Month spotlight. And thanks to Lynn White for another timely poem with photography by Edward S. Gault.
In addition to highlighting the aforementioned plight of Geoffrey Fallon, we had cartoonists Anne Skove (“She Who Laughs Lasts”) and new Comics Spotlight contributor Jonathan Borthwick.
Jason Wright kept his Jagged Thoughts poem column going. Tomorrow and Friday we have James Van Looy (It’s All One Thing), Janet Cormier (Bamboozled No More! ) and Bruce Wise (Wise Words). Last Friday we spotlighted poet, humorist and artist Richard Spisak. Let’s see if we can close the month in strong fashion.
Nice Way to Close Out National Poetry Month
Read my poem "Manufactured Dissent," up now at dadakuku. Thanks to petro c.k. for publishing me a second time during National Poetry Month.
Carnyx Collective: Anthology Volume 1 Out Now
"Featuring 81 poets from around the world including upcoming, previously unpublished writers, to acclaimed multiple Pushcart Prize nominees and Lunar Codex contributors, this is the first
volume of Carnyx Collective."
Glad to have two of my Stone Soup Crouton poems included in this new anthology from Pendraig The Poet. You can order it off Amazon now.
Check out my website and get a lot of the news before it winds up in this email. Also includes links to my other social media.
Check my blog out for exclusive content and poetry news not related to Stone Soup.
More coming for Medium when it comes. Working on another Chad Wants to Know interview.
TikTok is either dead folllowing the ban or playing dead. I posted some stuff but might be pulling back.
Hope to update the Patreon this weekend.
Thanks for reading down this far.