Chad Parenteau's Lost Causes, 3-6-24
And the tree...more of a dead, bent stump...was, really...
Got my bank card in the mail on Monday. Everything is almost back to normal. I’m still far from working unfettered, but it’s close enough.
My plant to move from Substack to Ghost is on hold indefinitely. I didn’t realize you had to buy in to Ghost no matter what. It’s GhostPro or nothing, and at this time, I can’t justify paying for another site to host my work.
So I’m stuck. But that doesn’t mean I won’t respect my interview subjects and their wishes to not be associated with Substack in anyway. Luckily, I still have a Medium membership. Moving forward the Chad Wants to Know interview series will show up on my personal Medium page. If a Medium publication wants to pick up these future pieces, they are welcome to approach me. For now, however, I like having full autonomy and being able to publish the pieces whenever I want to.
I will probably repost my Robbie Roadsteamer interview on Medium later. A new interview will hopefully go up next week.
The Week That Was podcast is still on hold. It will be back.
Stone Soup Poetry
Short and sweet open mic last week. Read the most recent Stone Soup Croutons poem, “The Late Divide.”
Tonight we have a double feature with Philip J. “Midnight” Curtis and John "Chance" Acevedo. Come in early if you can. Hope to announce the next feature by the weekend.
Oddball Magazine
Click here to read poetry by Jeffrey S. Callico, Denzel Johnson-Green and Richard L. Matta. Thanks to Luis Lázaro Tijerina for his poetic opening shot for the week and to Brianna Waddell for her contribution to our regular Oddball Stories stries.
Our cartoonists kept our Mondays strong. Thanks Geoffrey Fallon (“The Secrets of Skinny People”) and Anne Skove (“She Who Laughs Lasts”). Thanks to Jason Wright for starting the poet columnist train with his weekly Jagged Though. Thursday will give us James Van Looy (It’s All One Thing). Friday gives us Janet Cormier (Bamboozled No More!) and Bruce Wise (Wise Words).
Bit the Bullet
My fifty-fifth Tuesday poem is up on my Patreon now for paying subscribers.
Going Mad Today
My poem "Keeping Score" is featured today at Mad Swirl.
One for March
dadakuku found a home for another one of my poems. This one is called "Fired." Thanks for reading it and thanks again to petro c.k.
Check out my website and get a lot of the news before it winds up in this email. Also links to my social media.
Check my blog out for exclusive content and poetry news not related to Stone Soup.
One piece for real should be going up tomorrow via Medium and The Ugly Monster. The Robby Roadsteamer repost will probably happen tomorrow.
My last few TikTok videos have been private. I post things that amuse me to get through the week. One went up over the weekend, and more will come soon.
Adding more to my Patreon next week. Join as a paid subscriber, and you’ll see a lot.
Thanks for reading down this far.