I’ll tell you the Chad News First
I’m wiped.
Stone Soup Poetry
Jackie Oldham did a great job last week. Read last week’s Stone Soup Croutons poem, “What the Dead and Dying Do.”
Tonight is just an all-open mic. Hope you can make it.
Oddball Magazine
Click here to read poetry by Scott Taylor, Mary McAllister and Tom Laughlin. Not to mention an acrostic news piece poem by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons and a lighter tale in this week’s Oddball Stories piece with Janie Borisov.
Awesome job by cartoonists Geoffrey Fallon (“The Secrets of Skinny People”) and Anne Skove (“She Who Laughs Lasts”). Jason Wright did an amazing job with his five-hundred-and-first Jagged Thought poem column. Come back with James Van Looy (It’s All One Thing), Janet Cormier (Bamboozled No More!) and Bruce Wise (Wise Words). Likely no bonus stuff as I might be away from the internet on Friday afternoon.
This Was a Good Day
Proud to have my poem "Two Lane" featured at The Arts Fuse two Thursdays ago. Thanks to Editor Bill Marx and Poetry Editor John Mulrooney for publishing my work.
Last Friday
My poem "Morning Talk" appeared last Friday in Live Nude Poems. Thanks to Editors Rusty Barnes and Heather Sullivan for including my work again.
Back Again
petro c.k.'s journal dadakuku published my poem "Cede the Fifth" yesterday. Grateful as always to have a home for my weird verse.
Oddball Show Presents The Week That Was for October 30-November 3, 2023
Really, if I’m going to make a fool of myself, I’d rather do it in from of thousands or hundreds (dozens?) of people. Give this foolishness a try.
Check out my website and get a lot of the news before it winds up in this post.
Check my blog out for exclusive content and poetry news not related to Stone Soup.
More people are checking out my Medium now that I haven’t written anything for it in months. I’ll try to put something up before next week.
Hoping to add more TikTok videos after Veterans Day weekend.
Consider my Patreon. It will get active again after the holiday weekend.
Thanks for reading down this far.