I’ll tell you the Chad News First
Above is a scene from the Lucci tribute earlier this month. It’s almost what you would call a good memory because at least we got together to honor someone we cared about.
I’m afraid for the loved ones we could be losing in the coming months if the election gives us a return of the one we can truly call Beast.
I am hypercharged and lethargic with stress simultaneously.
I’ve made arguments here, on my blog and elsewhere, so I’ll just reiterate my main point: voting blue is our only hope. I say this even in a blue state. Nothing feels entirely certain, even from where I live.
There are too many people who are actively voting to hurt other people. Maybe they don’t realized their own loved ones could be hurt in the process. Maybe they don’t care.
It’s up to us to stop this.Hopefully more of us come to our senses.
I hope that by next Wednesday, I can have a smattering of optimism when I write to you again.
Good luck, everyone.
This Sunday: Cant Republic
Can't Republic is a collection of erasure/blackout poetry surrounding the chaotic malestrom of Donald Trump’s speeches and more. Alien Buddha Press will be releasing the book officially on Sunday, November 2. That said, I do have advance copies available. If you’d like to send me $15 dollars, I can mail you a signed copy. I can’t wait to do readings to promote this work.
If you would like to wait to order it online from the publisher, check out Alien Buddha Press via Amazon on Sunday.
Also This November: All’s Well Isn’t You
LJMcD Communications will also be releasing my chapbook All’s Well Isn’t You later this week. I hope you can grab a copy from them as wll. You can click here to find out when it drops. Hopefully, I will also have copies of these for my future readings.
Stone Soup Poetry
BeYouT wasn’t able to perform last week, so we had an all-open mic. No Stone Soup Crouton this week. That means I’ll have to put up three this week to finally catch up.
An all-open mic tonight will be followed by features galore in November.
Oddball Magazine
Click here to read poetry and flash fiction by Mary Ann Honaker, Susan Isla Tepper and Shannon O’Connnor with great visual art by Glenn Bowie, Shannon O’Connor and Robert Fleming, who designed this year’s Horrorthon banner. Much love to Lynn White for starting our annual event off properly.
Anne Skove kept in the Halloween spirit of things with her comic “She Who Laughs Lasts” and the subject of ethics in the twenty-first century is a scary enough topic to fit during a Halloween week. Thanks to Steven David Justin Sills and illustrator Richard Spisak for helping to tackle the subject. And welcome new Oddball Stories contributor Kevin Coleman.
For Thursday and Friday, we have James Van Looy (It’s All One Thing), Janet Cormier (Bamboozled No More!), and Bruce Wise (Wise Words). And, of course, it’s Horrorthon week, so there are still other surprises to be had.
Making It Again
My poem "Made It" is published last Friday in The Crossroads. Thanks to Editor John Patrick Robbins.
Last Friday Was Good to Me
While I was between work and home last Friday night, petro c.k. published my micro poem "Archy Barky" in dadakuku. Thank you, sir!
Peep Inside
I took time out of worrying about our nation in crisis to talk about the late Joe Matt, his body of work, and the posthumous issue of his comic Peepshow. Read it now over at The Ugly Monster.
Check out my website and get a lot of the news before it winds up in this newsletter. Also includes links to my other social media.
Check my blog out for exclusive content and poetry news not related to Stone Soup.
More work for Medium is almost ready to go.
Added a few new videos to TikTok this week. I have more ready to go.
Hope to start adding to my Patreon exclusive work again.
Thanks for reading down this far.