I’ll tell you the Chad News First
Spent the weekend for a snowstorm that may as well have never existed.
For the last twenty four hours, I’ve been on what might be a false high.
Two relatives passed away this past weekend. Both uncles on my father’s side of the family, who I haven’t been in great contact with for a variety of reasons.
No funeral this week because, as I heard, the funeral homes are packed.
I’m wearing a mask when the gatherings happen. I don’t care who stands around in a circle and laughs.
An ex also contacted me to let me know her father died.
My attitude seems to be in opposition to all the news of death.
So many things to learn about my father, and I’m running out of interview subjects and time. it’s gnawing at me.
I’m starting new work. In all likelihood to distract myself at least a little.
I’ll continue to work until I crash.
Stone Soup Poetry
A fine open mic last week. Read last week’s Stone Soup Croutons poem, “Hamlet’s Resolutions.”
Join me tonight for Robert Fleming’s first Stone Soup feature. I hope to announce more features as soon as they got back to me.
Oddball Magazine
Click here to read poetry by George Freek, Mark A. Fisher and Jenny Middleton with amazing artwork by DL Polonsky, Bill Wolak and Edward Michael Supranowicz. Also have to thank Dzvinia Orlowsky for sharing a timely piece and Lauren Shear for her accompanying photography. Not mention Audrey Goldfarb for her unique contribution to Oddball Stories.
Geoffrey Fallon started up the latest chapter of his comic e“The Secrets of Skinny People” with a Brand New Character! Anne Skove delivered perfect New Year’s Resolutions (never to late to break them) with her comic “She Who Laughs Lasts.” Jason Wright started off the poem columns, and he’ll be followed by James Van Looy (It’s All One Thing), Janet Cormier (Bamboozled No More!) and Bruce Wise (Wise Words). I’d really like to get a surprise up for the end of the week and follow it with a big announcement. Let’s see how that goes.
Oddball Show Presents The Week That Was for January 1-5
Last last week due to illness. Better never than never. Is that the saying?
Might be My Worst One Yet, but It's Fun!
Part Fifty-One of The Tuesday Poems is up on my Patreon with other exclusive work.
Oddball Show Presents The Week That Was for January 1-5
Another show? So soon? God, what am I doing with my life?!?
Get It Now
Fellow contributor petro c.k. summed up this anthology best in a recent tweet (yes, I still call them tweets): "Gnashing Teeth Publishing literally tore apart a true-crime pulp fiction paperback, sent willing authors a page each to work out their erasure poems, and compiled the book back together."
I was honored to have a part in this collection. It's great that this book is finally out in the wild. I can't wait to get my own copy.
Check out my website and get a lot of the news before it winds up in this email. Also links to my social media.
Check my blog out for exclusive content and poetry news not related to Stone Soup.
Adding to my Medium soon
Mostly did some TikTok videos the weekend of the winter storm. More coming.
Working on more poems to add to my Patreon during my slow weeks.
Thanks for reading down this far.